The path that is avoided: fiscal order and less taxes

In a week crossed by the repeated internal politics in the government, the cabinet changes -with the scandalous departure of Matias Kulfas-, and the fights with businessmen who supply the state and generators of prices, the economic once again occupies the disc side Beven though it’s part of the same album. There the taxes, to which is added this week the discussion about the extraordinary income, appear as a state reprimand to compensate for inequities.

The redistribution of wealth that the hard-wing frontist wing proclaims, but that generates in opposition, according to the liberal discourse, more distortions that impoverish the middle class. At the third vertex of the government coalition, Serge Massa, insists on another course of less fiscal pressure and more order: and the replacement of Mercedes Marcó del Pont by Guillermo Michel on the AFIPsomething that hasn’t happened yet.

Upset with the president over the appointment of Daniel Scioli at the head of the Ministry of Production, and at odds with Guzmán whom he seeks -for a long time- to replace with one of his own, was compensated with the president with his inclusion in the entourage that traveled to Los Angeles for the Summit of the Americas. But the president of the Chamber of Deputies An economic triumph was scored before in Congress: the Tax Relief ruling for monotributistas and self-employed workers, a nod to the middle class.

Alberto Fernandez increased or created 22 liens since power came. There will be 23 if the “unexpected rent” is approved, reaching 360 companies (there is a disparity of opinions about the income it would generate: 1,000 million dollars according to the Treasury; 500 and a wave of prosecutions according to private analysts). Meanwhile, businessmen denounce -before the Minister of Economy- the existence of 162 taxes between national, provincial and municipal. Of the 42 are nationals, and 7 add up to the 90% of the collection of the AFIP. An equation that claims to clear variables and put economic order.

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