A moment of peace for your mind: at this place near Zoetermeer you will find a quiet area

Sometimes you just want silence around you. Putting in earplugs is a good option, but you can also enjoy the silence outside. This way you immediately get a breath of fresh air. How? By going for a walk in a quiet area.

You will find quiet areas all over the Netherlands. These areas often coincide with (protected) nature reserves. The goal in a quiet area is to keep the average noise level below 40 decibels.

Rules in quiet areas

In the quiet areas you only hear sounds that belong to the environment. These are mainly nature sounds. Motorized traffic outside public roads, large-scale events or other sources of noise are therefore prohibited. Local sounds, such as a farmer working his land with a tractor, are allowed. They are simply part of experiencing the rural area. All low noise activities such as walking and cycling are also allowed.

Protected Natural Areas

So put on your walking shoes and take a walk in, for example, the Weipoort or in Bent, both near Zoetermeer. There are also places in the Netherlands where you can still enjoy the peace, but which are not officially a quiet area. Think of the beach at Kijkduin or in the dunes of Wassenaar. check here all official quiet areas in the Netherlands.

Quiet area near Zoetermeer

If you live in Zoetermeer, you may not know where a quiet area is. In our own city we certainly have quiet nature reserves, but they are not characterized as quiet areas. In, for example, the Nieuwe Driemanspolder, in the Bentwoud or in the Westerpark, you can sometimes be the only walker and enjoy the peace and quiet. An official quiet area near Zoetermeer is the Weipoort. This is a beautiful polder area between Zoetermeer and Zoeterwoude. During a walk or bike ride you pass meadows, cows and meadow birds. Here you imagine yourself in peace, nature and animal sounds.

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