Smoke detectors mandatory in every home from 1 July: ‘You will be warned in time’

A call round among the Drenthe housing associations shows that most rented houses are equipped with a smoke detector. They say they are on track to meet the obligation as of 1 July. Although the batteries of smoke detectors last ten years, some corporations check the smoke detectors in the meantime. Tenants also receive instructions on how to test the detector and how to perform maintenance themselves, by going past it with a vacuum cleaner.

Actium is one of the few housing associations that has already fitted all homes with a smoke detector. “We already started working on this in 2009 and some smoke detectors now need to be replaced,” says Monique Boeijen, director of the corporation. Actium puts the safety of its residents first and that is why agreements have been made with the connected central heating installation company to check smoke detectors once every 1.5 years to see if they actually work.

Carry Seidel of the Drenthe fire brigade emphasizes how important a smoke detector is in the house. “When you sleep, all your senses are naturally off. Your eyes are closed, your nose is asleep and you don’t smell anything.” A smoke detector warns you in time to escape.

With age, your hearing can deteriorate and that sense is necessary to hear a smoke detector. According to Seidel, science does not stand still and there is also a solution for this. “There are smoke detectors that can communicate with a vibrating pillow that you put under your pillow. You don’t have to hear the detector to wake up. You then feel it,” says the firefighter.

According to Seidel, you don’t install a smoke detector because it is now mandatory or because the minister says so. “You do it for yourself and for your housemates, so that you don’t get killed in the event of a fire.” The homeowner is responsible for installing and maintaining the smoke detector. “That falls under the building decree and that decision falls under the municipality. The municipality should therefore be responsible for enforcement.” The firewoman emphasizes that you should not go that far. “You have to go for what is important to you and your loved ones,” concludes Seidel.
