Toni Keränen threw into the 80-meter club

Toni Keränen starts from a good starting point for Paavo Nurmi Games.

Toni Keränen threw a stick to 75.21 meters in Espoo. Tomi Natri / All Over Press

On Sunday, Kokkola’s Kälviä Games saw the men’s spear as the domestic top result of the season, when Toni Keränen the throw reached 80.65 meters.

The result was a man’s record. He had previously thrown 79.38 at the Potchefstream in South Africa. He threw 75.21 in the Espoo GP on Wednesday. According to Keränen, Leppävaara’s throwing platform was not the best.

– The 80-meter could have come earlier. There were not very high expectations now. The places were still rigid from the competition in Espoo, Keränen repeated in a press release from the Finnish Sports Confederation.

Keränen will next throw at the Paavo Nurmi Games in Turku on Tuesday, where a hard spear test is expected. Included are, among others, the 93-meter this season thrown by Grenada Anderson Peters and Tokyo Olympic silver medalist Jakub Vadlejch From the Czech Republic.

Other Finnish participants are Oliver Helander, Lassi Etelätalo, Toni Kuusela.
