The zodiac signs and fear

Lat full moon he calls the signs in a reassuring voice. “Come out, what are you afraid of?” L’Aries and the Bull they look at her in amazement. They no longer fear anything today. Jupiter has evicted all fear from home. THE Twins they are distracted, they are setting their hands on their future: “If we stop it’s over, fear stops us.”

“Star map of the southern sky” (1722-1750) by Carel Allard (photo Alamy / Ipa).

The Cancer raises liquid eyes, soaked in the past. He and fear grew up together, they were so symbiotic that they even swapped pacifiers. Then she grew up and left a precipice of emotions on him.

The Lion shakes the mane. She no longer wants to hear about precipices, she has had them around like mosquitos, now she is turning the page. There Virgin she adds: «I was born from the fear of not being adequate. To manage it, I divided it into small daily tasks ».

There Weight scale lights a cigarette and throws a puff of smoke in his frightened face. The Scorpio breaks the silence. «I have seduced fear, we have been lovers for a long time. She is the only one to keep me alive ».

And the Sagittarius? Fear chases him, leaves traces of unease on the walls, but he runs away quickly. The Capricorninstead, he nailed it. He drove the pickaxe into the rock, leaving her stunned.

L’Acquarium disseminated it by dint of delays. And i Fish? From the dusty edge of life they whispered poetic words to her until they transformed disturbance into sentiment.

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