Confusion about boss candidates at Hertha

Hertha wants to elect the new president on June 26th Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ editors

Who is running at Hertha’s extraordinary general meeting on June 26 to become the new president?

Names are circulating at the moment, but who really throws his hat in the ring seems unclear.

The fact is: Ex-Ultra Kay Bernstein running for officewhile entrepreneur Marco Hennig withdrew his application.

It is still unclear whether Presidium member Peer Mock-Sümer will actually take up the post. He says: “We will finalize this at the weekend. And lift the veil at the beginning of the week.”

Hertha executive committee member Peer Mock-Sümer during the general meeting on May 29, 2022

Hertha executive committee member Peer Mock-Sümer during the general meeting on May 29, 2022 Photo: City Press

Rumors that Karl Kauermann, head of the supervisory board of Hertha KGaA, would run for office are false. He doesn’t show up.

The coming days should show who else throws his hat in the ring.

more on the subject


Kay Bernstein Werner Gegenbauer
