Farmers Defense Force farmers want tractor protest next week

The farmers probably want to organize a large-scale tractor protest in the Netherlands next week. Farmers Defense Force (FDF) leader Mark van den Oever reports this. “It doesn’t look like we’re waiting until June 22.”

Farmers’ collective Agractie said on Friday that it would campaign in The Hague on Wednesday 22 June against the government’s approach to the nitrogen problem. Agractie has made an appeal to this effect and expects many farmers to join.

‘Can do more than drive to The Hague’
Agractie said on Friday that members of other farmers’ organizations such as LTO Nederland and FDF will also come to The Hague for the protest. The latter organization now says it will take action earlier.

According to FDF chairman Van den Oever, it is still unclear what action will be taken. Consultation will take place on Monday.

“There is plenty to think about. But we have our tractors. We can do more with them than just drive to The Hague. Many of our farmers say they want to take action as soon as possible. We don’t want to wait.”

During the campaign, Van Den Oever says that he ‘wants to take people into account’. “We know that it will not go well if we shut down the whole country. But the members can vote what we are going to do. Nothing has been decided yet.”

Nitrogen problem
The ZLTO previously indicated that it wants the province to oppose government policy to drastically reduce nitrogen emissions. “Otherwise farmers have no chance of survival,” said Wim Bens, chairman of agricultural and horticultural organization ZLTO. He spoke of an ‘unsustainable assignment’

Deputy Erik Ronnes (Space and Housing), portfolio holder for the approach to nitrogen in Brabant, also said that it will ‘become complicated’. The province must figure out where to take which measures in Brabant. This is done on behalf of the cabinet.

Nitrogen emissions must be drastically reduced, especially around nature reserves. There it seems that many farmers have to disappear.


Farmers protest with tractors along the A16 at Moerdijk

ZLTO wants the province to stop nitrogen plans
