Emmen athletes enjoy the opening of Special Olympics

The flame is burning in the Fanny Blankers-Koen Stadium in Hengelo. The Special Olympics 2022 has been launched with a grand opening ceremony. “It was really great!”, says Joyce. Together with fifteen other athletes from athletics club De Sperwers from Emmen, she participates in the Games. The athletes’ parade, the singing of the national anthem and the taking of the oath. They thought everything was magical.

“I do have a bit of sore feet. It’s okay with me”, Sanne sighs to SO!34 before the grand ceremony. Sections have been created behind the stadium for all provinces, where the participants can wait until the party starts. Despite her sore feet, she thoroughly enjoys everything that happens. “We’ve waited a long time for this and trained hard for it.”

Together with 122 other participants from Drenthe, divided over 13 sports clubs, Sanne may represent the province. “I’m really looking forward to the games,” she says. “But the opening is always nice too.”


Not only do they like the opening, most athletes are also a bit nervous. “We don’t know exactly what to expect,” Eric explains. He has been playing for De Sperwers for twelve years and this is certainly not his first major tournament. “I’ve participated before, but it’s always a surprise.”

The first few minutes of the ceremony can be followed on a large screen. “You all train hard for this,” Eric says. He has autism and therefore cannot train with a regular team. “I think that’s a shame, but in this team we understand each other very well,” he explains. He knows the other athletes through and through. “We are tense, but it is healthy tension. The waiting makes it more difficult.”

Fortunately, the wait isn’t too long. Pretty soon the athletes from Drenthe are allowed to enter the stadium. With a sign with the name of the province and an association flag. The second team is De Sperwers’ turn. The moment they take the first steps in the stadium, the tension visibly falls from them. Glistening eyes, a wide smile and enthusiastically waving to the crowd clapping for each athlete.

rainbow flag

Not only the association flag is carried by the stadium, a rainbow flag is also allowed in the lap of honour. “As athletes, we thought it was important to take it with us,” says Melissa. She carries the flag together with fellow athlete Karlijn. “It’s Pride Month after all.”

After the run on the athletics track, the athletes take their seats. A total of three thousand seats adorn the central area of ​​the stadium. For many athletes it is the first time in the stadium in Hengelo. “That’s always a bit exciting,” says Eric. Still, he really likes it. “As long as I’m with the club, I feel at home anywhere.”

The stage, where Erik Dijkstra and Gregory Sedoc will take the presentation, is easy to follow from the seats. Despite the fact that the Special Olympics is familiar territory for many athletes, they thoroughly enjoy it. At the national anthem they all lay hands on the heart and while the flame is lit there is loud applause.

Everyone a winner

“The best thing remains the oath,” Hendri says afterwards. Just before the flame is ignited, all athletes must take an oath. They all have to repeat after ambassador Maartje and top athlete Kjeld Nuis: “I’m going for the win, but because of my efforts I am already a winner.”

A nice mentality, but after the ceremony the fanaticism in the athletes starts to surface again. “This was great fun, but of course it’s all about the games,” said both Albert and Bertus. “Tomorrow it really starts.”

All athletes of De Sperwers will be in action on Saturday and Sunday. First during the qualifiers, where they are divided into groups, and then the final on Sunday. “We have all trained hard for that and we all want to win a medal,” says Albert.
