The robbery of the century, the film about a heist in The House of Paper

Ua robbery orchestrated with toy weapons. It starts from here The robbery of the century2020 film – airing tonight starting at 21.20 on Rai 3 based on a story so absurd as to seem fictional. Instead the reality always exceeds the imagination and the blow scored by the brilliant robbers went down in history.

The robbery of the centurythe plot

Directed by Ariel Winogard, the film is set in 2006 in Argentina. Friday 13 January, ad Acassusoa small municipality in the province of Buenos Aires, a gang of robbers decides to ransack the local branch of the Bank of Río. A shot studied in detail, the result of a long programming work.

With a small detail: criminals will rob the bank in broad daylight, using only toy guns. A sui generis choice, which in some ways will prove to be saving. Fernando Araujo (Diego Peretti) and the other four gang members storm the branch. They take 23 people hostage, but they won’t kill any. Their goal is not to do harm, but to take the loot away without getting their hands dirty.

In a short time they empty 147 safe deposit boxes, hoarding money, jewels and gold bars. While the robbery is in progress, negotiator Miguel Sileo (Luis Luque) and his men surround the building. He kicks off the hunt for robbers, but the police do not necessarily succeed in his intent.

“The robbery of the century”.

The true story

Even today in Argentina, the one that has been renamed “The robbery of the century” is remembered as one of the most intelligent strikes in the history of the country. The bank robbery, in fact, was alone the facade of an even more complex operation. While the negotiator negotiated for the release of the hostages, a part of the gang entered the institute through the basementthanks to a tunnel built in the previous months.

An operation built in a meticulous way, that allowed the criminals to get away with it – at least initially – with a loot of over 15 million dollars. The troubles with justice, in fact, came later, when the wife of one of the robbers decided to report her husband. Thirst for justice? Not really.

The woman turned to authorities after finding out that the consort was planning the escape with the young lover. Despite the burning revelation, most of the booty was never foundbut the thieves were sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. A non-exemplary punishment, mitigated by the fact of having used toy weapons and therefore not having concretely endangered anyone.

The cast of The robbery of the century

In addition to the aforementioned Peretti and Luque, in cast de The robbery of the century appear Guillermo Francella, in the role of Mario Vitette Sellanesthe mastermind of the operation, e Pablo Rago in those of Sebastián. Rafael Ferro it’s Alberto Beto de la Torre, Magela Zanotta is the wife, nicknamed “the Turkish”, while Johanna Francella is Lucía Vitette Sellanes. Among others, too Mario Alarcón in the role of the Attorney e Mariano Argento in that of Debauza, “the doctor”.

