Nitrogen plans: at least 95 percent reduction in protected natural areas | NOW

Halving nitrogen emissions will lead to major changes in areas. This is confirmed by the nature analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture on Friday. This analysis shows that nitrogen emissions in Limburg must be more than halved. In protected natural areas, emissions must even be reduced by at least 95 percent, and in the ring around these areas by 70 percent.

In the Gelderse Vallei, right next to the Veluwe, nitrogen emissions must be reduced by 58 percent. And also for Noord-Brabant, the province with the highest nitrogen emissions, there is a huge job ahead.

Minister Van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) sent the so-called guiding objectives per area to the House of Representatives on Friday. They are drastic for mainly farmers. According to the RIVM, 45 percent of nitrogen precipitation comes from the agricultural sector. In some areas, many farmers will have to leave or have to significantly reduce their emissions in some other way.

The cabinet has not yet come up with concrete plans to support farmers. The plan for farmers’ perspective was supposed to somewhat ease the pain of the nitrogen approach, but agriculture minister Henk Staghouwer mainly looks at an “acceleration and prioritization” of the switch to greener circular agriculture.

However, the minister is considering expanding existing subsidy schemes. The ministry emphasizes that the plans go hand in hand with the area plans to reduce nitrogen emissions, and that Friday’s letter is therefore only the beginning.

Cabinet wants to help farmers who want to do their work greener

The government wants to support farms that want to make more space for their livestock and want to farm greener through technical innovations. There may also be help for farmers who want to offer completely new products or services.

Because there is hardly any space for farmers in some areas due to the nitrogen crisis, help is also offered for farmers who want to stop or move.

Provinces still have time

Although the cabinet hopes to finally give farmers clarity, the executive provinces will still have some time and a lot of room for maneuver to achieve the goals. They must present their area approach on 1 July 2023. In doing so, they can deviate from the specific nitrogen targets per area, but the nature targets must be achieved. Almost three quarters of sensitive nature must be returned to a level that is safe for nature.

Nationally, this means that nitrogen emissions must be halved. In some areas, space will have to be completely overhauled in order to achieve higher goals. In areas where farming is possible (without problems with water, soil and nature), nitrogen emissions will have to be reduced by about 12 percent, often through national measures. In many other places, emissions have to be almost halved.
