Biodiversity in Rome: an exhibition on the animals that live in the capital

B.iodiversity in Rome is an exhibition which aims to spread the knowledge and the rediscovery of the surprising naturalistic riches that the capital still offers today.

Bee-eaters at the Caffarella park, Rome (photo by Bruno Cignini).

Rome is known all over the world as one of the richest cities in culture, history and monuments, but it also preserves a fascinating natural treasure consisting of the presence of many animal species that make it a between the Italian and European cities with the highest biodiversity values.

Protected natural areas, in the city

In the city they are present numerous protected natural areasconsisting of beautiful historic villas with their gardens, extensive parks and important waterways. There are also several ecological corridors that allow animals to move between extra-urban areas and the most central parts of the city.

Even the vast historic city centerwithin which there are numerous archaeological areas, it represents a peculiar environment for the many animal species that find suitable sites for their biological needs.

A river crab at the Mercati di Traiano, Rome

A river crab at the Trajan’s Markets (photo by Bruno Cignini).

The different habitats that make up the urban ecosystem and the animals that live there, in order to accompany the viewing of the exhibition, have been grouped in three broad categories:

  • In the water and along the banks
  • In parks and fields
  • Between the houses and the ruins “

Biodiversity in Rome

The exhibition Biodiversity in Rome is housed in the Dependence of the Casina delle Civette in Villa Torlonia from 11 June to 25 September 2022. The exhibition proposes, through 32 photographs by Bruno Cigninizoologist, writer and scientific popularizer e 11 watercolors by illustrator Eva Villaan unprecedented story in images, one of a kind, to discover the animals and ecosystems that distinguish the city (protected areas, historic villas, archaeological areas, rivers and bodies of water).

In particular, the numerous animal species present in the main urban environments will be highlighted, providing information on their distribution, their habits and their role within the urban ecosystemin order to acquire greater awareness for the protection of biodiversity and, more generally, of the environment.

In addition, they will be provided advice on the correct behaviors to follow in case of encounter with urban fauna and on the method of attracting it with nests and mangers.

Not just photos, even activities

The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of educational activitiesincluding guided tours, observation and birdwatching in the villa, workshops for children and adults created in collaboration with Centro Rupero Selvatica LIPU Rome, Città del sole and Swarovski Optik Italia.

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INFO: Rome, Museums of Villa Torlonia, Casina delle Civette – Dependence. Via Nomentana, 70
Inauguration: 10 June at 4.00 pm
Open to the public: from 11 June to 25 September 2022.

