ROUNDUP/Lindner: Don’t close the debate about the return to nuclear power

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – According to the FDP chairman Christian Lindner, Germany must also openly discuss the return to nuclear power in the energy debate. “People expect that all options will be considered because of climate protection, dependence on Putin and inflation,” said the Federal Minister of Finance of the “Bild” (Thursday). From an economic point of view, he is not yet convinced that new investments in nuclear power really pay off. “But Germany shouldn’t close its eyes to a debate that’s taking place all over the world. My advice is to put the arguments on the table without prejudice.”

His cabinet colleague and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) told the newspaper: “There is not much more to say about nuclear energy. The subject was examined again at the beginning of the legislature, free of ideology. That was decided by the relevant ministries – and also politically. That is not a path that Germany will continue to walk.”

The Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND) also rejected Lindner’s proposal. An extension of the terms would be associated with high costs and irresponsible security risks, explained BUND Managing Director Antje von Broock. Both are out of proportion to the additional and comparatively small amounts of electricity that could be produced as a result. Nuclear power currently only has a share of about six percent in the German electricity mix.

Only the Isar 2, Emsland and Neckarwestheim 2 nuclear power plants are still connected to the grid in Germany. They are also to be shut down by the end of the year. The Ministry of Economics and the Environment had already rejected an extension of the terms because of the new situation after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Instead, the energy transition towards renewable power sources should be promoted. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had also spoken out against the continued operation of nuclear power plants./seb/DP/zb

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