Berlin gunman crashed into a school class from Bad Arolsen

By Michaela Steuer and Daniela Path

Mourning in Bad Arolsen in northern Hesse. The teacher killed in the amok attack on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz and the affected students come from the small town of 16,000.

The exams were written, it was the final trip of a 10th class of the Kaulbach school (main and secondary school) to Berlin. The 24 students were accompanied by the teacher and another educator.

14 children were injured in the attack. A 16-year-old girl had to be flown to the accident hospital in Berlin-Marzahn in a rescue helicopter. It suffered a fractured pelvis and a severe traumatic brain injury, was operated on for hours. Some students are still in mortal danger.

Rescue workers at the scene of the rampage on Tauentzien

Rescue workers at the scene of the rampage on Tauentzien Photo: FABRIZIO BENSCH/REUTERS

“At noon we learned from the Berlin police that a car drove into a crowd and several people were injured and that among these people were numerous students and teachers from the Kaulbach school,” says Dirk Richter (57), police spokesman from Waldeck-Frankenberg.

Dirk Richter (57), police spokesman for Waldeck-Frankenberg

Dirk Richter (57), police spokesman for Waldeck-Frankenberg Photo: (C) Karsten Socher Photography /

“The whole of Bad Arolsen is affected,” says Jürgen van der Horst (55), district administrator of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, to BZ. “It’s a big school in a small, medium-sized center. Everyone knows everyone here and also has contact with families who are affected. That is also the central topic in these hours here in the city area. There is great dismay.”

Jürgen van der Horst (55), District Administrator of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district

Jürgen van der Horst (55), District Administrator of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district Photo: (C) Karsten Socher Photography /

The Kaulbach school was initially closed on Wednesday. On Thursday, however, it should resume regular operations and at the same time receive the students who would be brought back from Berlin by bus, said the mayor of Bad Arolsen, Marko Lambion.

“The day here was very sad. Our sympathy goes to the teacher’s family and of course our thoughts are with all relatives and wish them strength and comfort during this difficult time,” said the mayor.

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