Secondary students hear if the flag is allowed to go out | 1Limburg

Thousands of high school students will be told on Thursday whether they have passed their final exams. In total, more than 10,000 Limburg students took part this year. At VMBO there were more than 5,100, at HAVO almost 2,900 and at VWO more than 2,100.

Nationally, more than 188,000 secondary school students took their final exams last month: 92,000 in VMBO, almost 55,000 in HAVO and 41,000 in VWO.

call round
Not only the students wait in suspense, this day also brings enough stress for teachers. Felix Fregaîn is a German teacher and coach of the senior general secondary education of the Bernardinus College in Heerlen. He is allowed to call more than 20 students today. “First I call the students who failed in alphabetical order. Then only the students who passed.”

Hectic and exciting day
According to the teacher, a day like today is always hectic. “At 8:00 am the N-terms come in and it is checked which students have passed. Then we start calling at 12:00 pm. And the day ends after the congratulatory meeting around 8:30 pm.”

Bad news
Unfortunately, this important day is not a happy day for everyone. “It is not nice if you have to call someone who has failed. You let them be sad for a while, but also boost them for the resits next week. Friday morning the failed students come to school and then look at their exam together with teachers and receive She gives tips or tutoring so that it will work out next week.”

Next week
Students of VMBO framework and basis will not receive the results until next Wednesday. How many students have passed nationally will not be announced on Thursday, but only in the autumn.

The second period of the final exams starts next Monday. This is intended for students who have not taken all their exams in the first period or who retake an exam.

Rain of complaints
The Landelijk Aktie Komitee Scholieren (LAKS) received a record number of 285,700 complaints about the final exams this year. Many of them were about too long and complicated texts and the use of too difficult words. There were also many complaints about assignments that did not match the material covered in the lessons.

Also read: Exciting day for students: final exams start
