About 100 people will spend the night in Ter Apel again

There will be no bed for about a hundred people in the Ter Apel registration center next night. These people have shelter, but spend the night on chairs in the recreation room and the waiting area of ​​the application center, a spokesperson for the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) reported.

Shelter has been found in Zuidbroek for another group of about a hundred people. Buses are ready to take the group there, the spokeswoman said.

There is room for 2000 people in Ter Apel. In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, there was no sleeping place available for about 140 people. Ter Apel has been struggling with large crowds for some time because the flow of permit holders from reception locations to homes has stagnated. As a result, COA often has to find extra places to sleep at the last minute and asylum seekers sometimes sleep on chairs.
