League winners – after space storm: ghost game on probation for Frankfurt

Frankfurt / Main (dpa) – After the space storm in the Europa League semifinals against West Ham United, Eintracht Frankfurt got away with a black eye again.

The Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body of the European Football Union ordered a spectator exclusion for the Europa League winner’s next home game in an international competition. However, since the sentence was suspended for a period of two years, the Bundesliga club can play its home premiere in the Champions League in front of fans. Eintracht also has to pay a fine of 80,000 euros.

After the 1-0 win against West Ham and the associated entry into the final of the Europa League, thousands of Eintracht supporters stormed the pitch in their euphoria. In addition to this misconduct, the UEFA chamber punished the repeated burning of pyrotechnics and the throwing of objects. Frankfurt will be in the premier class for the first time next season. The group draw will take place on August 25th.
