Exhibition in Berlin shows the suffering caused by Long Covid

Stephan Just, commercial director of the UKB, demonstrates the virtual reality glasses for game therapy

Stephan Just, commercial director of the UKB, demonstrates the virtual reality glasses for game therapy Photo: Christian Lohse

By Birgit Buerkner

According to science, more than 40 percent of corona patients suffer from long-Covid symptoms six months after their infection, which severely restrict them in everyday life.

A new exhibition at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (UKB) shows what the symptoms feel like. A vest prepared with 15-kilo weights conveys to the wearer the leaden exhaustion some sufferers have to endure.

Christian Gräff, boss of the house of the future, wears a body suit that simulates exhaustion

Christian Gräff, boss of the house of the future, wears a body suit that simulates exhaustion Photo: Christian Lohse

Smell samples (e.g. of lemon) without a real scent make it clear what problems long-term sufferers are confronted with. Long Covid manifests itself in a multitude of symptoms such as physical exhaustion, memory loss, difficulty finding words, difficulties with breathing and the sense of smell with corresponding consequences.

The house of the future on Blumberger Damm

The house of the future on Blumberger Damm Photo: Christian Lohse

The exhibition, which is free of charge, aims to inform affected and non-affected people alike and show new treatment options. Info: https://haus-der-zukunft-am-ukb.de


Coronavirus Covid-19
