American singer Meat Loaf (74) passed away | Stars

“We know how much he means to many of you and we appreciate all the love and support we will receive as we grieve such an inspiring artist and beautiful man,” the family said in a statement. “From his heart to your souls: never stop rocking.”

The singer is best known for his album Bat Out of Hell (1977), produced by Jim Steinman, who died last year. The record where hits like Paradise by the Dashboard Light and You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth standing up is one of the best-selling albums of all time. Later, Meat Loaf, who was born as Michael Lee called Aday, had hits with songs like I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That) and I’d Lie for You (And That’s the Truth).


Meat Loaf initially became known as an actor. This is how he was seen in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). He also had roles in movies like Fight Club, TEnacious D in the Pick of Destiny and Wayne’s World.

The singer has been struggling with health problems in recent years. He became unwell several times on stage. Meat Loaf was last on tour in 2016. His latest album Braver Than We Are came out that same year.


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