New Tynaarlo lecturer at work: ‘Politicians, have a fight!’

Tynaarlo’s new four-member college has been installed this evening. Jurryt Vellinga (Liveable Tynaarlo), Miguel Ririhena (GroenLinks), Hans de Graaf (ChristenUnie) and Jelbrich Peters (PvdA) can get to work and received some advice from the various council factions.

It is never boring in the Tynaarlo city council and the discussion of the coalition agreement and the new aldermen should therefore not be called a formality. Several motions and amendments showed that the opposition has reservations about the agreement.

Almost all opposition parties find the coalition agreement too vague. For example, the VVD asked for construction plans for Zuidlaren, Eelde-Paterswolde and Vries to be given a date. “Come with concrete plans before November 2022”, was the call from party chairman Gezinus Pieters.

Tynaarlo Nu party chairman Richard Aeilkema calls the agreement ‘vague’ and believes that the financial underpinning could be a lot better. His party asked the coalition parties to draw up a new agreement or at least to make it a lot more concrete.

In addition, Tynaarlo Now wants a test of competence to be done at the front of all aldermen. The motion to that effect was rejected.

According to brand new alderman Jurryt Vellinga (Liveable Tynaarlo), the plans of the new council have been tested for financial feasibility. Henny van den Born, alderman for finance in the ‘old’ college, also thinks that everything is in order. “The plans fit within the current financial space.”

At the express request of VVD member Jan Smits, the new council has abandoned its desire to obtain a place on the Supervisory Board of the Baasis education foundation. “The municipality cannot make a binding nomination for the Supervisory Board,” says Smits.

The municipality of Tynaarlo wants to build 450 new homes over the next four years. Although Pieters (VVD) doubts the feasibility of this, Vellinga thinks it is certainly possible. Tynaarlo Nu went a step further by even aiming for 1500 homes. According to Vellinga, that number goes too far.

Henk Middendorp (CDA) once again championed the realization of a transferium at De Punt. “Let’s not make a decision based on emotion and personal feelings,” he said.

After a substantive discussion of more than two hours, after which some councilors felt they had received too few answers to their questions, the new council was sworn in. The other motions and amendments will be discussed in the council meeting on June 21.

Jacob van Gelder, leader of the coalition party Municipal Interests, inaugurated the new term of office in Tynaarlo in an appropriate André van Duin-like manner: “Politicians, get on with it!”
