Professional peed on by Markus Weinzierl? FC Augsburg denies fake quote

Crazy story from the Bundesliga: FC Augsburg has officially denied that coach Markus Weinzierl peed on 19-year-old newcomer Ricardo Pepi in the shower. A photo montage with a corresponding quote from the American is circulating on the Internet.

Fake news didn’t just exist since Donald Trump. False, fake messages are spread manipulatively again and again, mainly on the Internet, especially in social networks and other social media. The Duden included the term in 2017.

For example, fake news is more common in politics than in the world of sports. But now the Bundesliga club FC Augsburg felt compelled to clean up with a false message – no matter how absurd it may sound.

An alleged quote from the Augsburg newcomer Ricardo Pepi including a photo montage circulated on social media. “I still have to get used to the German culture,” the American professional, who has been under contract with FCA since January 2022 and has only been on the pitch for 100 minutes for his new club, is said to have said to “Sport Bild”.

“Markus Weinzierl just peed on me”

When he was finally in the shower after the first training session, the wrong quote continues, the US international felt something warm on his leg. “Markus Weinzierl just peed on me and said that was part of it. I’m his player now.”

Well, there was an interview by Pepi with “Sport Bild”, but of course not such an absurd statement. However, FC Augsburg felt compelled to deny the rumors that were circulating.

“Actually obvious that this ‘quote’ is fake!” the club wrote on its official Twitter page about the words that never came out of the 16 million euro man’s mouth. “We can laugh about a lot and often don’t take ourselves too seriously. But since some of you out there seem to believe that, we hereby make it clear that this is a fake.”

50 euros for urinating in the shower

In 2012, the “Augsburger Allgemeine” rumored that there must have been “one or two unsavory things” here and there in the FCA showers. Because the newspaper had the club’s catalog of punishments and it contained the fixed rate of 50 euros for urinating in the shower.

Already on Tuesday there was a curious false report in professional football. This time, however, from an established medium.

“Sport1” prematurely announced the dismissal of Schalke coach Dimitrios Grammozis during the live broadcast of the DFB Cup because it had misinterpreted fake news on the subject from a private Twitter account as an official club announcement.

“I was glad they didn’t declare me dead,” the coach said at a press conference today. His wife called him when he was shopping in the supermarket. “She said: You just got fired.”



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