Rome: 30 thousand season tickets in 20 days

Similar numbers have not been registered since 2004. The company responds with the decision to take the cup won in the Conference around the city along with initiatives for the fans. Still controversy at school: exposed against a teacher for carrying flags and singing the hymn in a classroom

Thirty thousand season tickets in twenty days of campaign: this is the result achieved by Rome. On May 18, a week before the victory of the Conference, the company allowed the fans to be able to subscribe and the response was immediately enormous. The trophy won in Tirana then did the rest: last year, with all the unknowns of the pandemic and the initially reduced capacity, the season tickets had stopped at 21 thousand, which was already an important result, in these twenty days it was impossible to make any comparisons. Also because it was 18 years, from 2004-2005, that Roma did not reach such numbers.


This is why the club has decided to involve the fans even more and from today to 22 July has chosen to bring the cup to the crowd. The dates are not random: July 22 is the club’s birthday, the one that all Roma fans recognize as such; June 7, on the other hand, is a day that the old property had unilaterally chosen as the date of birth of Rome, causing even more a detachment with the people. The Friedkins, who are very attentive to these things, have specifically chosen today’s day to demonstrate, once again, how fundamental it is for them to respect tradition and therefore Rome wrote on its website: “From June 7, the anniversary of the foundation of the club, on 22 July, the day of the traditional celebrations, the trophy will travel around the city, the cup will be the protagonist of a series of initiatives and surprises that will see the Giallorossi fans at the center “.


A party continues, according to some excessive. After the case of the teacher who, in the Talenti area, made the children sing the anthem of Rome, today an exposition has arrived in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Lazio Consumers Committee which refers to a school in the Garbatella district, Caterina Usai, in “la teacher, previously equipped with stereo, cables and the flag of Rome and without any regard for the sensitivity of minors supporters of other teams or even non-fans, unexpectedly felt she had to celebrate the victory in the Conference in the school premises, spreading the Romanist anthem to full volume, waving its own banner, implementing completely inclusive behaviors and exceedingly exorbitant the didactic prerogatives assigned to it “.
