A new season of Fortnite: Island on the shovel and saving for Darth Vader | NOW

Fortnitethe popular game from Epic Games, is ready for the third season of Chapter 3† After last weekend’s season finale, where players defeated enemy soldiers with the help of a large robot, a period of festive harmony breaks out. This is all new to the island.

Fortnite largely revolves around its battle royale mode. In it, a hundred people are dropped on an island, after which they fight each other until one person or one team remains. Then it starts again.

The complex story on the island is told over several chapters. Those chapters are again divided into seasons, which last for months. At the end of a season, a spectacular mission follows and the next season begins. Epic Games keeps making adjustments to the island to tell a new part of the story.

Viben on a renewed island

The new season of Fortnite bears the name vibes† It focuses on the arrival of harmony after the enemy forces have been defeated. There is a lot of color on the island, including a real Rave Cave where loud music blares over luminous floors.

There is also an amusement park with a large roller coaster. You can whiz over it with Ballers: balls with a chair in them that roll on the floor. The Ballers previously appeared in Fortnite

In the new Reality Falls area, a huge luminescent tree stands among large mushrooms. In that area, everything is fluorescent – even the current in the water is a bright color. In addition, you can plant special seeds to grow a tree. Items such as weapons and shields will be attached to that tree that can be used in the game.

Riding on wolves and boars

Wild animals have always been on the island, but in this season you can tame them. If wolves or boars come at you, you can jump on them. Once you’ve tamed them, you can ride them too.

The animals give, among other things, a speed boost, which allows you to smash against enemies. And while you are riding the wolves or boars, it is still possible to shoot at others.

New Weapons (and the End of Old Weapons)

Epic Games has changed the weapons available on the island. For example, the strong Drum Shotgun has been removed from the game. New is the Hammer Assault Rifle, which is suitable for different distances. There is also the Two-Shot Shotgun, with which you shoot twice with one push of a button. The Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) resembles a sniper, but shoots faster.

Saving for Darth Vader

People who purchase a Battle Pass can play this season for several extras. There are seven new characters to unlock. One of them is Snap, whose limbs can be replaced by collecting cards in the game world. For example, you can replace the head with a tomato or a toothbrush.

Gamers who reach level 10 in the Battle Pass can unlock Darth Vader. Another movie hero will be added to the game next month with Indiana Jones.
