Harry and Meghan stayed stylishly in the background

Harry and Meghan were feared to cause a stir or distract the Queen after attending the festivities of Elizabeth’s reign.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan arrived for the Friday feast according to the schedule and route set by the palace. Tim Rooke / Shutterstock

The participation of Prince Harry, 37, and Duchess Meghan, 40, in the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s reign has been closely monitored.

Experts speculate in advance that they will cause a stir by, for example, trying to shoot their documentaries at ceremonies. The couple were also feared to take the queen’s attention after arriving in Britain.

According to People magazine, Meghan and Harry did not distract from the older royals at the Jubilee celebrations. The couple stayed elegantly in the background and did not deviate from the instructions that applied to them.

Scheduled arrivals

The Daily Mail writes that the couples ’arrivals were timed so that they would not encounter when they arrived for the festive service. The palace had a pre-planned choreography according to which the royals arrived at the event.

Indeed, after two years, Meghan and Harry were seen on the same occasion as Prince William and Duchess Catherine and Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla. However, Meghan and Harry did not communicate with these.

The couple, who had given up their royal status, sat on the second bench in worship with Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice and their spouses.

They did not sit with those of royal dignity. The position of the couple was emphasized by the fact that Prince Charles walked past them visibly away.

However, Charles greeted the other royals and sent a lovely flight kiss to Duchess Catherine.

In the background

Meghan and Harry did not attend all the festivities that had already taken place so far, but remained completely absent or in the background.

At Trooping the Color, the couple was seen in a side window from where they watched the royal parade. They were not invited to Buckingham Palace and were not allowed to take part in the carriage ride as they did not act in the royal role.

Staying in the backyard was still an advantage for the couple, as they delighted the audience from there. They playfully giggled the little royals during the parade. The audience also showed their support when the couple arrived for the festive service.

The audience applauded the duke couple. Meghan’s stylish white outfit was also admired in the media. Peter MacDiarmid / Shutterstock

The couple is expected to show up at the Jubilee events at the end of the weekend. The Queen announced she will not be attending the Epsom Derby, but Meghan and Harry are expected to arrive.

Saturday is a significant day for the couple, as their daughter, named Lilibet, nicknamed Queen Elizabeth, turns one year old.

Source: People, Daily Mail
