Inter: Vidal-Flamengo, close agreement. The Chilean awaits his severance pay

Meeting in Ibiza between the player’s entourage and the Brazilian club’s intermediaries: an agreement for a two-year deal is near, but first the midfielder must pocket the amount from Inter for the early termination of the contract

A matter of days and the paths of Arturo Vidal and Inter will separate. The news of the last few hours concerns the road that the Chilean will take, apparently already well underway towards Rio de Janeiro. To the winks of recent months and the explicit allusions of the last few days in the form of “stories” on Instagram posted by the Chilean, complete with a poll aimed at fans, the first face to face between the player and the Flamengo management would also have been added. This was revealed by the carioca newspaper Extra, which reports on a meeting between the parties in Ibiza, where the midfielder is spending a few days off. The difference between supply and demand is high, but a midway meeting point is possible. The key to unlocking everything is the agreement between the Chilean and the Nerazzurri on the severance pay to terminate the contract one year in advance.


That Vidal wishes to play for Flamengo is well known, the player has undertaken to make it known several times in the last six months, in a way that is sometimes all too explicit. The new element is Flamengo’s first move, which until now had avoided coming out into the open. On the contrary, just three weeks ago the Brazilian director Bruno Spindel assured Lance that “he had not initiated any contact with the player”. But, according to what Extra reveals, the Brazilians have decided to make the first move, reuniting two days ago with the player and his entourage. The meeting would have been successful despite the initial distance between Vidal’s requests, which aims at a treatment similar to that reserved for Gabigol (i.e. an annual salary of around 3.5 million), and the club’s offer carioca, which is around 2 million per season. Vidal’s agent, Fernando Felicevich, has already received two rich offers from Qatar and the US (about 6 million a year), but has let the Flamengo management know that he is at the top of his client’s wish list. , also willing to downsize his claims just to be able to play in a prestigious and ambitious club like the carioca one. The Brazilians, for their part, have hinted that they can revise their first offer upwards. In short, the willingness to find a meeting point is on both sides.


Flamengo, which in any case planned a heavy investment in midfield, has already evaluated the pros and cons of the Vidal operation: among the first, the experience and specific weight of the player, certainly an added value of enormous importance in the current context. South American, among the latter the age and high cost. The main alternatives to the Chilean are Thiago Mendes (Lyon) and Andreas Pereira (Man. United), but in both cases there would be a price tag to pay, to which logically also wages, possible bonuses and various commissions would be added. All in all, therefore, despite the fact that it cannot be defined as a purchase in perspective, Vidal could even represent the most convenient solution for a Flamengo who is aiming decisively at the continental throne. The crux, more than anything else, is right here: the Brazilians would aim to close everything in time to be able to count on Vidal starting from the round of 16 scheduled between 30 June and 7 July, but first it is necessary for the Chilean to resolve the contract that still binds him to Inter until June next year. To do this, the player and Inter will need to find an agreement on the severance pay, set at 4 million euros, with an attempt by Inter to file it. Times are tight, but the mission is not impossible. Also because the Nerazzurri would not mind starting to free up space and useful resources to work concretely on reinforcements.
