Doubts about integrity candidate alderman Gulpen-Wittem | 1Limburg

There are doubts about the integrity of one of the candidate aldermen in Gulpen-Wittem. This is apparent from an independent risk analysis that was sent to the city council on Thursday.

It concerns CDA candidate Roger Cratsborn from Mechelen. It research advises, should he indeed be appointed, to ‘start coaching programs about the office of alderman and about administrative integrity as soon as possible.’

The risk is centered around Cratsborn’s law practice, according to the research. Although the lawyer has said that he will not conduct any cases on behalf of or against the municipality, he does want to continue to advise clients and a fellow lawyer. The CDA member has also announced that he does not intend to suspend his business activities if he were to take a seat on the aldermen’s plush. “Although this is not formally prohibited, both in terms of content and in terms of time use, this is at odds with full-time aldermanship,” the study concludes.

No appointments
The problem is also that Cratsborn does not want to make agreements about the way in which he wants to combine his duties as alderman with his law practice. Cratsborn called this “brushing the sidewalk” to the researchers, a measure for the buhne. But according to the integrity survey, this is not enough: “We note that being an alderman requires more than a moral compass… Residents must be able to rely on the fact that the actions of the municipal council are not dependent on this. Holding a public office also asks that you explain what considerations you make and make transparent how you work.”

An additional risk, according to the risk analysis, is also the financial situation of the law firm. That is about 85,000 euros in debt to the tax authorities, because it had been granted a postponement under various schemes during the corona crisis. “After all, reduced liquidity can make a company and committed employees vulnerable, and affects the candidate all the more if he does not part with the company and given the fact that there is no distinction between his personal and business assets.” The investigation shows that Cratsborn also uses his company account as a private account.

Cratsborn was a Citizens’ Councilor for the March elections, and was fourth on the list. He was immediately put forward as alderman candidate for the economics, tourism and traffic portfolio.

Also read: Two new aldermen in Gulpen-Wittem

The city council will have an extra meeting on 15 June at which the aldermen will be installed, and in which the coalition agreement will also be discussed. The coalition of Fraction Franssen, CDA and Balans has 10 seats in the 15-member city council.
