Cleaning makeup brushes: how to wash them without damaging them

P.use make-up brushes it is essential if you want to get a make-up without errors, but above all, a skin without imperfections. Too often, in fact, the importance of one is underestimated proper hygiene of your beauty tools with results that can harm the skin by promoting formation of pimples and blackheads.

Cleaning makeup brushes, why and how

Learning how to clean make-up brushes properly is a must as they are among the main causes of the spread of germs and bacteria on the face. In fact, sebum, dirt, make-up residues and dust lurk inside them, which can cause imperfections and irritation.

That’s why they should be washed at least once a week, especially those used for foundation, bronzer and blush. Those for eyeshadow, after each use.

(Credits: Getty Images)

So here’s how to clean make-up brushes with both natural and synthetic bristles.

1) Clean your makeup brushes with warm water

Although there are products on the market ad hoc for the hygiene of beauty tools, lukewarm water and soap always remain a quick and easy method.

It will then be enough to fill in the sink of water and soak all makeup brushes. It is advisable not to use water that is too hot because – especially in the case of natural bristles – they could dry up and lose their softness or even worse deform.

2) Massage soap to remove dirt

At this point we can add liquid soap – excellent that of Marseille – to water to start dissolving the most superficial dirt. Next, use a natural bar of soap to rub – making a twisting motion – the bristles to deeply remove all make-up residues.

Once you have cleaned all the brushes you have to rinse the bristles thoroughly until the brush returns to its original color and the water becomes completely transparent. Only in this way can you be sure that you have removed all residual makeup and impurities.

3) Let the bristles dry naturally

Spread a towel on a flat surface and place the brushes until they are completely dry. Absolutely forbidden sources of heat, like the hot air of the hairdryer, to speed up the drying process: they risk drying out and damaging the bristles.

4) Store them carefully

Also important to know how to store they keep their makeup brushes.

Once dry they can be placed in a glass upside down, or even better, laid out in a tray with a lid. In this way, their shape is preserved, and they are protected from dust.

Beauty blender and tools for the face, they too must be cleaned

In addition to the make-up brushes it is good to remember that too sponges and beauty blenders must be regularly cleaned.

You can deposit a little liquid soap in your hand and massage them, once wet, until all the product residues. e They should completely return to their original color.

Also pay attention to face roller And gua sha: after each use, it is good to clean the i beauty tool with water and a few drops of alcohol to eliminate any leftover serums and creams.

