Paul van Ass new national coach Dutch hockey women

Paul van Ass will be the new national team coach of the Dutch women’s hockey. Van Ass signs a contract up to and including the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024. The 61-year-old trainer will combine his new position with his role as coach of the men of HGC.

“To be honest, when the KNHB asked me for this position, I had to think about it,” says Van Ass in a press release. “I really enjoy it at Men 1 of HGC. But it is a huge honor if you are asked to represent your country, also as a national coach.”


Van Ass will start on 1 September and will succeed Jamilon Mülders. The German has been in charge of the Orange squad since Alyson Annan suddenly left in January due to a difference of opinion about the approach to the culture of fear in the team. Alyson Annan is now national team coach of the Chinese women’s hockey

From 2010 to 2014, Van Ass was also national coach of the Dutch men. At the 2012 London Olympics, the final was lost to Germany.
