Arguing baroness must ‘talk’ about access to castle | Inland

The sisters have been arguing for years about the right of access to the castle and the associated apartment in the gate castle, De Haar’s most important outbuilding. One of the sisters instituted summary proceedings against De Haar Castle Foundation. She demands (unlimited) access.

Until the year 2000, De Haar Castle in Haarzuilens was owned by Baron van Zuylen. In that year he transferred the ownership of the castle and the associated buildings to the De Haar Castle Foundation. Finally, a user agreement was also concluded. It describes who may use the castle and the apartment and under what conditions. The coordination has been placed in the hands of the half-sister of the plaintiff.

In these proceedings the baroness argues that she has more rights than her sisters or half sisters because her father left her sixty percent of his possessions. That the baroness received a larger inheritance than her (half) sisters is also apparent from his will. But according to the judge, this does not mean that she has more rights with regard to the right to use Castle De Haar. She too, like all other blood relatives, must adhere to the user agreement.

The Baroness’ coordinating half-sister has denied her entry to the castle several times. Apparently because there have been some incidents in the past during her stays in the castle. Whether the (half) sister of the baroness appropriates a larger role than allowed is a matter that both baronesses have to settle with each other. The quarreling (half-) sisters now have to discuss this.
