More than 4.5 million people sign petition to remove Amber Heard from ‘Aquaman 2’ | Lawsuit Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard

MovieIt seems that the reputation of Amber Heard (36) has taken quite a beating in recent weeks. For example, a 2020 petition to have the actress removed from ‘Aquaman 2’ managed to collect more than 4.5 million signatures in the process.

Here’s another look at the outcome of the controversial process:

The petition was started in 2020, during the lawsuit that Johnny Depp filed against ‘The Sun’. Organizers wanted his ex-wife Amber Heard, who also testified against him in court, to be removed from the film ‘Aquaman 2’, which is due out in 2023. The petition was not a huge success at the time, with ‘only’ 1.5 million signatures. But in recent weeks, during the libel lawsuit that Depp brought against Amber Heard, things have accelerated. On Thursday, the petition reached the target of 4.5 million signatures, after which the organizers decided to set themselves a new target: 6 million signatures. If that goal is achieved, this petition will be one of the most popular on

Amber Heard testified in court that she “had to fight” to keep her role in the second ‘Aquaman’ film and that because of all the fuss that role was cut drastically. But the head of DC Films, Walter Hamada, denied that during his testimony. According to him, there was indeed talk about the replacement of Heard, but that was due to the lack of chemistry with protagonist Jason Momoa. Hamada also denied that Heard’s role had been cut drastically: “From the very beginning, the film was seen as a ‘buddy comedy’ featuring Aquaman and his half-brother, King Orm.”

The jury in the libel case announced their verdict on Wednesday. They agreed with Johnny Depp across the board and awarded him $15 million, but due to a law in the US state of Virginia, where the lawsuit took place, that will be ‘only’ $10.3 million (about 9.7 million euros). . Amber Heard was right on only one of her three claims, and will receive 2 million dollars for it.


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