Spring cleaning at Meppel Jewish cemetery: ‘This is worth gold’

According to Eduard Huisman of the Dutch-Israelite Church Association, the action is very special. “Such a large group of volunteers is exceptional. This has been realized partly due to the strength of Elsbeth. There are clear paths and gravestones again. This is another recognizable cemetery, and I am very happy with that.”

Huisman himself also has a personal connection with the place. Many of his ancestors came from Meppel and are buried here. It touches him because within Judaism the cemetery is very important. The Old Testament writes that when redemption comes, the dead can be resurrected and return as human beings. “The contribution of all volunteers to realize this is worth gold”, says Huisman.

The foundation has plenty of plans for the coming years. The stones are provided with clear letters, so that research into the family trees can be done. Broken bricks are also repaired and glued back together. Stones have also fallen. “An expert comes to teach us how to put such a stone upright again,” says Van der Horst, who continues with the foundation because of an important goal: the cemetery should become heritage. “I hope the municipality will participate in this, because this is a unique place for Meppel,” concludes Van der Horst.
