Fit and happy with the right nutrition

Dragonfly together with Activities

Your stomach is busy all day long. Not only is food digested here, the organs in your abdomen also ensure that we stay fit and energetic. Millions of bacteria, good and bad, live in our gut. Together with viruses, yeasts and fungi, they form our intestinal flora, also known as the microbiome. In a healthy microbiome, all these bacteria, yeasts, viruses and fungi are in balance and we feel good. Then our defenses are also in order. If the balance is gone, this can cause fatigue and reduced resistance.

Give those good bacteria a hand

When we give the good bacteria a hand, there is less room for bad bacteria and we feel better. This can be done by eating healthy and regularly. For example, having breakfast, lunch and dinner at fixed times is very good for the intestines. In addition, drink plenty of water and put a lot of vegetables, fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines) and nuts on the menu, that will make your stomach happy! Also make sure you have enough fiber, the fuel for the gut bacteria. Fiber ensures a healthy bowel function and promotes bowel movements. You need 30-40 grams of fiber per day. Struggling to eat enough fiber? For example, start the day with yogurt and muesli and give the intestines a fiber-rich boost with grains, nuts and raisins.

Breakfast for 1 person

1 banana • 130 g frozen raspberries • zest and juice of 1/2 orange • zest and juice of 1/2 lime • 3 tbsp Greek yogurt • 4 tbsp Activia yogurt • 2 dates (stoneless) or 2 tbsp honey • 40 g unsalted cashew nuts • 1/2 tsp cinnamon • 5 fresh mint leaves. Toppings: raspberry jam • raspberries • chopped dark chocolate • grated coconut. Extra needed: a blender

The day before: peel the banana and cut it into slices. Place in a bag in the freezer. Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend for 45 seconds until you have a smooth and creamy mass. Pour into a bowl and add one or more toppings. Serve cold.


Fermented foods also stimulate the good bacteria in the gut, which then help digest food and keep the gut healthy. Fermenting is an ancient process, our distant ancestors already put vegetables with seawater in jars to preserve food longer. What they probably didn’t know at the time is that the food also became extra healthy because of the micro-organisms that are released during that process. During fermentation, bacteria, fungi and yeasts (microorganisms) are used to break down molecules. This creates all kinds of new substances and flavors. Examples of fermented foods include kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut.

Whole grains, kidney beans, oatmeal, Activia Muesli, blackberries and berries are a source of fiber.

Positive effect

At Activia they are convinced: feeling good starts from within. To give your tummy a helping hand, Activia contains billions of probiotics*. These are good bacteria, which in the right amount can have a positive effect on your health. Also try Activia Flaxseed and Pluma mild yogurt and a source of fiber, delicious for breakfast or as a snack.

*Activia contains yogurt cultures (probiotics) that contribute to lactose digestion for people who have difficulty digesting lactose.

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June 1, 2022
