CoChinChina Above: a hidden pearl

From the hand of the famous bartender Inés de los Santos and with the setting of it girl Eme Carranza, a year ago it inaugurated CoChinChina, an ambitious project of original Franco-Vietmanian inspiration that, after the pandemic, became a public success. One of its peculiarities is that it has different spaces to live different experiences within the same place, and these corners continue to multiply. A few weeks ago it opened CoChinChina Top, a small restaurant located on the first floor of the premises, completely separated from the hustle and bustle of the bar, where the joint proposal of cuisine and cocktails deepens.

CoChinChina Top offers a five-course tasting menu paired with cocktails and high-end wines. It is an intimate space, with only 60 covers distributed between the interior room, with a super bar, and an exterior terrace with a wood oven. Good music plays, the lighting is dim and each drink works its magic to create a really special atmosphere.

The menu makes both the kitchen and the cocktail bar shine without being overshadowed. The experience begins with some oyster mushrooms with huancaína goat cheese sauce and a cocktail with gin, pears, sparkling wine and quirquiña (an aromatic herb similar to rue); continue with a beef chorizo ​​tataki with Un Dong, a powerful drink based on Calvados (a French brandy, distilled from cider); followed by grilled octopus paired with a Peruvian-inspired cocktail of chicha, cocoa salt, and chili peppers; then comes a very simple catch of the day complemented by a tamarind bourbon with curry and saffron; and finally the dessert, a chocolate fondant, accompanied by a gin-based cocktail with blackberry and eucalyptus liqueur.

In addition to this main menu, there is a vegetarian version and a non-alcoholic pairing version, both thought out in detail so that, regardless of preferences, the result is equally satisfactory. The alcohol experience is intense -and very pleasant- so it is essential to follow the rule of one glass of water per glass of alcohol.

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