The student style now looks like this

Eveliina Luhtakallio, 18, invests in the style of Student Day.

Eveliina Luhtakallio is celebrating her student party on June 4 in black and white. Kalle Lydman

Lean living Eveliina Luhtakallio , 18, will celebrate his student party on June 4th. The day has been long awaited. Arrangements for the student festival have already begun in December 2021.

– At least for myself, the student party is no ordinary party. They’re a really big deal, and that’s why I wanted to prepare as well as possible.

The preparations first began with a reflection on the color theme of the student party.

– The color theme was found in the Student Law, ie black, white and a little golden details.

Evelina’s mother was initially against the color theme, but eventually agreed with her daughter, and the same color theme will be maintained until the end.

Finding a dress took the most time

One of the most important things on a holiday is outfit. Evelina has purchased a dress, shoes, jewelry and a student hat for the holiday.

– Clothes are an important part of the holiday, because I will be in them all day. A lot of pictures are taken on student day, so that’s why outfit is an important thing.

– We have talked with friends a lot about clothes so that we don’t have to wear the same outfit, Eveliina says.

Evelina had the exact criteria for what kind of dress she wanted: the dress had to be well-fitting and the fabric had to feel strong.

It took a long time to find the dress.

Eveliina toured the shops in Vaasa and arranged six different dresses. However, the right one was not found among them. She then ordered three dresses, some of which she had to return. So Eveliina matched a total of nine dresses until she found her student dress.

Of course, Evelina’s dress suits the color theme, so it’s white. She has black pumps on her legs and has chosen gold earrings and a necklace for her jewelry.

He has spent about 170 euros on student day clothes.

It is important for Evelina that the outfit for the student day reflects her self. And he thinks he’s done well. Eveliina describes her style as minimalist.

Evelina’s big day is coming soon and she is looking forward to this day.

Do you have a great student day style? Send a picture of it to [email protected].

  • As the sender of the image, please ensure that the consent for the publication of the image has been obtained from the person who took the image and appears in the image. Iltalehti can use pictures in articles related to the student day.
  • Describe your style. Where was the outfit found? How much did it cost? What do you particularly like about it?
  • No compensation is paid for publishing images to the sender of the image, the person taking the image or those appearing in the image.
  • We publish pictures on and in Iltalehti and choose the most amazing student day styles.

A longer version of the story has been released 5/24/2022:
