Crazy Monday in Velden: Back to normal next year | 1Limburg

“It’s fantastic what we have accomplished here, but hopefully never again in May,” says Prince Giel d’n Derde of De Wuilus. As highness, he will experience a unique edition of De catch-up Crazy Maondaag in Velden. Well attended, sunny and four months later than ‘normal’.

Last year, the carnival association in Velden chose to err on the side of uncertainty. At the time, the event landscape still looked extremely erratic due to corona.

The Veldense mainland is traditionally on the last Monday in January. At the end of 2021, De Wuilus decided to have a summer edition in May so that the event would not fall into the water for the second time in a row. “It is important for the associations and the bond in the village. You should not underestimate the effect it has if we were not able to organize the weather,” says Wuilus chairman Harold Hafmans. He can be content; more than forty groups participate in the parade.

Colorful procession
Car builders have pulled out all the stops. Even if it is probably the only pageant in which their creation will be shown. The Crazy Monday in Velden traditionally starts, also on this May day, with the Children’s Parade. A colorful procession of primary school students takes a tour through the village.

catch up
“For the Church on the Square”, is the title with which the village festival is baptized. Both cafes keep their doors closed. The catering entrepreneurs are working together. In front of the church there is a fenced-off party area with outdoor bars, a music stage and festival toilets. The Veldense catch-up mainland has become a sunny one that attracted many visitors.
