Joe Biden again threatens with sanctions

The two-hour press conference following the results of the first year in power actually turned into to the briefing on Russia. This has already been noted by the Americans themselves. They expected to hear answers on internal questions more. They are now much more interested in the problems of unemployment, the coronavirus crisis and the unprecedented rise in prices in the country than in relations with Moscow and Kiev. There is even an open reproach: weren’t there too many promises to voters? But the president is sure that he and his team even exceeded their plan.

“Look, no, I didn’t overdo it with the promise, I probably even exceeded all expectations. We have made tremendous progress. You talk about coronavirus deaths, but not so long ago this figure was three times higher. better,” the president said.

Biden, as it turned out, does not believe in his low rating, and traditionally blames Republican opponents for many troubles.

“I didn’t expect Republicans to be such a drag on our efforts. Like the most important thing is that President Biden doesn’t get things done. Think about it. What are Republicans for, what are they for? Apparently I need to change tactics.” We’ve done a lot of stuff that a lot of people don’t even understand.”

As for foreign policy, then here Biden spoke out very clearly: he again threatened Russia with harsh sanctions if Moscow showed military aggression against Ukraine. He promised a real disaster, however, he immediately added that, in fact, sanctions like a ban on transactions with the dollar would also affect the States themselves. And most likely, Russia is not planning an invasion. But the topic of the escalation of the conflict still became one of the most discussed.

– Has the administration decided on this issue? Is President Putin planning to invade Ukraine, as you said?

– Look, the only thing I’m sure of is that this decision will be made personally by Putin. Nobody else is going to accept it. Nobody can influence it. I even suspect that it may depend on which foot he got up on. Although I do not think that the decision will be irrational. And in general, I don’t know whether he decided whether he wants to do it or not – to attack Ukraine.

At the same time, referring to the negotiations with his Russian counterpart, Biden said that he had not yet been able to come to any general results. We may have to meet again. Key issues remain unresolved, and so far the United States does not plan to reduce its presence in Europe, although the parties have a similar opinion on Ukraine’s entry into the alliance, and Washington is ready to agree to some of Moscow’s demands.

“Two things he told me. Two conditions. One: Ukraine will never become a NATO member. Second: there will be no strategic weapons in Ukraine. We can work on the second condition. As for the first condition, the likelihood joining NATO in the near future is extremely low due to demands for democratic reforms. So we have something to work on and something to discuss.”

Biden promised to think about the requirement not to deploy strategic weapons in Ukraine. But the unwillingness of Sweden and Finland to join the ranks of NATO in Washington for some reason was regarded precisely as “Russian influence in the countries of Europe.”

In total, there were 30 journalists at the meeting, Biden knows almost everyone by sight.

The former head of the White House, Donald Trump, has already criticized his successor – he accused him of pre-prepared answers that he read from a piece of paper, and that he chooses journalists from a list. According to Trump, he certainly would not be forgiven for this. And judging by the statement of Biden himself, he spoke about the election race in 24, irreconcilable rivals may meet again if Trump again goes to the presidential election.



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