Travel cancellation insurance – why you should have one, top tips

When is travel cancellation insurance worthwhile?

When traveling with seniors or children, it makes sense to take out travel cancellation insurance, because the risk of illness is particularly high for them. In the complicated language of insurance, children and seniors are therefore also referred to as so-called risk persons.

Many online booking portals give you the option of booking travel insurance as part of the booking process. That’s tempting when you’re looking forward to sun, beach and sea – with just a few “clicks” your holiday is not only booked, but also secured.

However, we advise against this. Here, more expensive tariffs and poorer conditions are often offered. And travel agencies often get commissions for such an insurance contract. The same applies to travel cancellation insurance: anyone who compares saves money and can take out insurance that is tailored to their individual life situation.

You should take out travel cancellation insurance promptly after booking your trip. Most providers have a closing period of 14 to 42 days after booking the trip or 24 to 30 days before the actual start of the trip. So even if you don’t take out insurance immediately after booking your holiday, you still have some time to compare the different providers.

Our recommendation: We advise you to take out travel cancellation insurance as soon as possible after and separately from booking your holiday. After all, there is still a lot to plan as the holiday draws ever closer. The risk of forgetting to take out travel cancellation insurance is high. If you then remember about the insurance at some point, it may already be too late to take out a degree.
