An 11-year-old girl survived the Texas massacre by playing dead

  • The little girl suffers physical and psychological consequences

An 11-year-old girl, Miah Cerrillo, survived the Uvalde massacre by covering herself in the blood of a classmate and pretending to be dead as she heard gunshots and screams, the girl told a CNN reporter. The testimony was obtained in an off-camera interview.

Miah, who according to the channel is so traumatized that she cannot talk to men, recounted the horrendous attack perpetrated on Tuesday by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, who murdered 19 children and two teachers at the Robb elementary school in Uvalde, a majority Latino community in Texas.

Miah’s class was watching television in a room with two teachers when they received the message that someone was shooting inside the school, the girl told CNN.

One of the teachers went to the door and stood in front of Ramos, who followed her into the classroom, said “good night” and shot her. She then opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle on the other teacher and the children.

Miah claims to have seen bullets flying around. CNN reported that bullet fragments hit her shoulders and her head.

Ramos went to the next classroom, and right away she heard more gunshots and screams. The bullets stopped, and she began to hear “sad music.”

They called on the phone

The girl says she reached a teacher’s phone with a friend to call the emergency service for help. “We’re in trouble,” she said.

Afraid that Ramos would come back and kill her, she covered herself in the blood of a classmate who died next to her and pretended to be dead for what seemed like three hours to her.

According to CNN, Miah said she couldn’t sleep and was losing her hair after the attack. Her mother, Abigale Veloz, started an online fundraiser through GoFundMe to pay for psychological and medical treatment.

“She is a survivor of the Uvalde school shooting. Her classroom was under attack,” Veloz wrote on the page with a photo of Miah.

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“She will need a lot of help with the trauma that she is going through. My daughter is an amazing person and she is a good sister. She will need help with her medical bills caused by a bullet fragment in her back.”

This Friday afternoon, donations exceeded 270,000 dollars, with an initial goal of 10,000.
