Iphone production volumes will not grow in 2022

The year 2022 looks similar to the previous year.

There will be no change in the production volumes of the iPhone. Unsplash

Apple will keep Iphone production at the same level this year as last year, Bloomberg news. According to insider data, Apple has asked its suppliers to manufacture about 220 million Iphone, which is equivalent to last year.

Analysts predicted that production volumes would increase by 20 million phones, but this is unlikely to happen.

The upcoming Iphone 14 phones are expected to bring major improvements, which in turn has been seen as a good thing in terms of sales figures. It may be that Apple wants to play it safe in the near future when the world situation is exceptional.

Strategy Analytics predicted in April that smartphone deliveries would shrink by as much as two per cent “due to geopolitical problems, component shortages, price inflation, exchange rate volatility and the impact of interest rates”.

Apple stopped reporting its sales volumes in 2019, so official data is no longer available.
