Transfer market Inter, new summit with Dybala. Perisic decides on the renewal

You have to sell before presenting a real proposal to Paulo. Meanwhile, today Marotta is waiting for Ivan’s response: there is a cautious optimism

On a slow fire, without haste, aware of mutual satisfaction. Between Paulo Dybala and Inter there is a tacit promise of marriage in place: nothing in writing, nothing that formally binds one or the other party. Also because things have been clear for some time, there is no need to put them in black and white, at least not yet. Yesterday between the club and the player’s entourage there was a new contact: nothing new, just an update on the current situation, with Inter not yet able to commit to an official offer due to the various issues related to the exits of other players still to be fixed, but which has already shown the draft contract: three-year 6 million plus one bonus. Basically, yesterday the management reiterated their desire to entrust Dybala with the new technical project, to make Joya the face of Inter who will have to go back to hunting for the championship. Everyone really likes Paulo, from president Zhang to Simone Inzaghi, passing through Marotta (his first fan since Juve), Ausilio and Baccin, to close with vice president Zanetti, who pampered him on Monday evening in the belly of the Meazza, on the sidelines of the solidarity match organized by Samuel Eto’o.

Dybala is flattered by the Nerazzurri court and is in no hurry to define his future closely. He obviously will wait for news and will continue to look around, waiting for the official proposal from the Nerazzurri club to arrive. Now he is focused on the national team and on the upcoming prestigious matches against Italy and Brazil, then, before going on vacation, he will make the final point with the agents, who will continue to keep in touch with Inter, who plan to settle the other situations that they hold back the thrust for Joya. In the meantime, maybe Paulo will have had the opportunity to talk with Lautaro about the near future, about the goals that the two could pursue and try to achieve together in Milan, and not only with the Seleccion shirt.

The file of the Dybala issue will be reopened by Inter in the next few days, because today all the attention will be directed to Ivan Perisic. Barring surprises, the Croatian winger should give the club an answer within the day on the latest renewal proposal presented at the beginning of the week: two years worth 5 million net per season plus one bonus, with option on the third year. The game is still open, even if – unlike last week – there is now a cautious optimism around Viale della Liberazione. Yes, in the days following the victory of the Italian Cup, the question had become rather tangled, after the bitter outburst of Perisic and the inclusion of Juventus in the race outside the contract expiring. But with a bit of diplomacy, Inter are now back in the running for the renewal and are hoping to be able to close the issue as soon as possible, thus guaranteeing Inzaghi the confirmation of one of the best players of the last season. For a long time Perisic has been Inter’s extra weapon: assists, goals, continuous snatches and a performance that is always up to the occasion. Ivan has had one of the best seasons since he arrived in Milan in 2015, confirming that he has become one of the best full-fledged winger around in Europe. Hence, the tension with Inter: “You don’t expect the last moment to talk to important players,” Perisic proudly said in Rome after winning the Italian Cup. An understandable outburst, such as Inter’s desire to move forward together: the embrace of San Siro after the last day, with the Croatian returning to the field on crutches (he will be out for 30-40 days), could have breached the heart of Ivan, no longer so convinced of leaving the Nerazzurri.


Also because there are those who still regret having done so, like Romelu Lukaku. Rumors about his desire to return to Milan continue to chase each other, even if the operation seems absolutely impracticable to date, both for the Belgian’s salary and for Chelsea’s net closure to any loan hypothesis. Of course, the ways of the market are endless. But this road, at the moment, does not seem quite viable.
