Beijing and Moscow block sanctions against North Korea over missile tests | Abroad

The motion for a resolution called for limiting North Korea’s imports of crude and refined oil and the country’s exports of mineral fuels, clocks and watches. All tobacco sales and transport would also be banned. The draft resolution also provided for sanctions against the North Korean hacker group Lazarus. Western diplomats say an amended version of the draft resolution could return to the Security Council, depending on North Korea’s behavior.

As of 6 a.m. local time on Wednesday, three suspected ballistic missiles were fired into the Sea of ​​Japan, called the Baltic Sea in Korean, in less than 45 minutes. Among the three missiles fired, the South Korean General Staff said at least one was an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). North Korea has conducted 17 missile tests since the beginning of the year. United Nations resolutions prohibit Pyongyang from testing ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

The latest missile test “posed a threat to the peace and security of the entire international community,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield stressed before the vote. China’s UN ambassador Zhang Jun said the US move “distracts the Security Council from dialogue and reconciliation.” A compelling UN resolution would only add fuel to the fire, he went on to say.
