Hoogovensmuseum proudly presents new model railway: “It is a beautiful addition”

A new model railway can be seen at the Hoogovensmuseum on the Tata Steel site. Cees has worked with other volunteers for 1.5 years on a set-up that is as realistic as possible that shows how various trains move over the Tata site. “From transport to blast furnace, to the steel factory with some attractions around it,” describes builder Cees van Egmond.

“We call this part the transport corner”, says Cees about the layout of the museum. “Something had to come.” Colleague Johan still had a model blast furnace and the idea was born. “I thought: something simple, a train that goes back and forth,” says Cees. “Well, that got a little bigger.”

The costs for the new model railway remained low. Cees built a model of the factory himself, other building models he bought at a fair. “And for the rest little cars, they come from all corners of the country.”

Model of TNO

Colleague Johan van Ikelen explains that the gasometer model is from TNO. “They used it 60 years ago to measure the wind effects on the large gas holder here.” The model turned out to be exactly to scale for the railroad.

Johan is proud of the new model railway. “It’s a nice addition to the museum, absolutely.” The museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays between 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM.
