Busy at Schiphol, but chaos is not too bad: ‘If we come extra early, the check-in desk will still be closed’ | Inland

Thursday morning it seemed to be another disaster day at the so reviled Schiphol airport. As early as 5 AM, travelers were queuing outside the airport, with an estimated waiting time of about three hours. One traveler also talks about a disagreement behind customs when packed VIP lounges decide to let only business class passengers through. “And that’s a hassle!”

‘Never experienced’

A few hours later it is still busy at Schiphol. An elderly lady who goes to Fuerteventura takes an open-mouthed photo of the winding row through and outside the airport: “I’ve never seen this before.”

There are even queues in front of the VIP lounge (left).

There are even queues in front of the VIP lounge (left).

But the crowds keep going and the waiting time gradually decreases to about 45 minutes. KLM employees call it ‘an ordinary, busy day’. The red lines that have been stretched to guide travelers in the right direction will be removed again. And the tent outside to keep people waiting dry is no longer needed after noon.

Check-in counters still closed

The most common irritation from travelers is unclear communication from the airport and the airlines. British David Dwyer is standing in Departure Hall 3, looking around. He only has a short flight ahead of him, to Birmingham. “But I got an email from EasyJet saying I had to be here five hours in advance. When we arrive here, the check-in desks are still closed!”

This way, his last day of vacation in Amsterdam can be crossed out. “It’s all doubtful, I must say.”

Another EasyJet customer on his way to Rhodes is in the same row, so he doesn’t move because there are no employees present yet. De Brabander sees the humor in it: “Oh, I’m on vacation, so I take that extra hour of waiting for granted. Besides, I have more time than money.”

Two hours before

Many passengers who were advised to arrive two hours in advance (or were unable to get employees on the line) are still well on time. Three daughters from Groningen and their mother Willy (83), for example, who go to Kos and got up early for their flight at 3 pm. “We didn’t know how long the lines would be, so we only allocated 4 hours to wait. My mother walks with a walker, so she’s not that fast anymore,” says daughter Eveline.

It is the first mother-daughter trip since corona and that’s why they are looking forward to it. Willy: “Laying in the sun, I can’t wait.” They go out for seven days. Daughter Johanna jokes: “But if I meet a beautiful man, I might stay much longer!”
