Ibra surgery on the left knee: return after 7-8 months of stop

The surgery this morning in Lyon under arthroscopy “to definitively resolve the instability of the joint through the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament, with lateral reinforcement and meniscal repair”

Eventually he decided on surgery. In an attempt, perhaps desperate, to continue to beat time and return to the field again. Zlatan Ibrahimovic underwent arthroscopic surgery in Lyon this morning by Dr. Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, in the presence of the Rossoneri health manager Stefano Mazzoni, at the Jean Mermoz hospital.

Okay intervention

An intervention “planned for some time”, reads the Milan note, “to definitively resolve the instability of the joint through the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament, with lateral reinforcement and meniscal repair”. The operation was perfectly successful and the prognosis is estimated at 7-8 months.
