No “keep it up” at Hertha BSC, football | Bundesliga – rbb – Regional

Hertha will still trust him. Because Fredi Bobic will be the club’s only constant this summer.

Transfers match the game idea

Bobic promised on Tuesday that he would at least get support from a new coach in the next few days. Bobic expects an aggressive and offensive game idea from him: “In the past we were very passive, we want a more active team that plays higher and presses.”

That sounds good at first, but his summer transfers will have to be measured against this statement. Because when Bobic says: “In Hamburg there were six newcomers on the pitch and we pressed”, he doesn’t say that with Santiago Ascasibar and Lucas Tousart two players took over the most important work that his predecessor Michael Preetz guided to Berlin. Especially since both are among the top earners at Hertha and Bobic announces at the same time: “We have to get the personnel costs under control.”

Hertha competes with itself

In addition, Hertha is lagging behind in terms of transfers. While league competitors have been able to plan for the first division for weeks, Hertha could not. At least the team around squad planner Dirk Dufner has been working on a plan in the last few weeks in the event of relegation.

The previous Bundesliga club, who had to be relegated, proved that the late start to transfer activities is not necessarily a disadvantage: after 1. FC Köln relied on aggressive pressing football under new coach Steffen Baumgart, the club recently achieved the conference league.

Fredi Bobic observed this closely. Nevertheless, there will be no European dreams from the Hertha office. “We wanted to compete with those at the top, but that didn’t quite work out,” jokes Bobic. For the time being, Hertha BSC is primarily competing with its own mistakes from the past.

Show: rbb24 special: Rescued – what now Hertha BSC?, May 24th, 2022, 8:15 p.m

Source: rbb
