“Stranger Things”: spin-off series is already being planned

Successful series never quite end these days. Sure, even the longest core plot is told at some point – but who says that there isn’t enough to tell about the past, future or other backgrounds of main or supporting characters? This is what happened after the perfectly timed end of “Breaking Bad”, about whose windy lawyer Saul Goodman we have been learning more for six seasons. “Game Of Thrones” will soon continue indirectly – in “House Of The Dragon” the prehistory of the Targaryen family should be told, from which 300 years later the well-known, loved and hated Daenerys Targaryen emerged from the main series.

The Duffer Brothers are planning something similar. After it had been known for some time that their mystery series “Stranger Things” was to come to an end after five seasons, they confirmed in February that a spin-off or even several spin-offs were being planned. At that time it said:

“There are still many more exciting stories to tell within the world of Stranger Things; new mysteries, new adventures, new unexpected heroes. But first we hope that you stay with us as we finish this tale of a powerful girl named Eleven and her brave friends, of a broken police chief and a ferocious mom, of a small town called Hawkins and an alternate dimension known only as the Upside down.”

Details of any spin-offs are not yet publicly known – but there are clearly plans. In an interview with “Variety” The Duffer Brothers explained, “We have an idea for a spinoff that we’d really like to do. But we haven’t told anyone about it and we haven’t written the screenplay yet. We think everyone – including Netflix – will be surprised when they hear our concept because it’s very, very different from anything we’ve seen before.”

But someone already knows: “That crazy smart kid” Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike Wheeler in the series, guessed correctly when it came to guessing what could be told in a spinoff. But apart from him, nobody really knows, according to the directors.

Season 3 of Stranger Things has been available on Netflix since July 2019. The first part of season 4 of “Stranger Things” starts on Netflix on May 27th, the second part follows on July 1st.
