OVERALL ROUNDUP 3: Ukraine demands more weapons – Schröder renounces posts

(updated version)

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – After three months of war against Russia, Ukraine is urgently demanding more weapons from the West. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy prepared his compatriots for tough weeks in the face of heavy Russian attacks in the east. Despite setbacks, Moscow was confident of victory on Tuesday. Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder made it public that he had long ago renounced the nomination for the supervisory board of the Russian energy giant GAZPROM. Meanwhile, Poland accused Germany of breaking its promises about arms deliveries – the foreign ministers of both countries then emphasized their willingness to clear up problems and misunderstandings.

He also informed the company that he would not be nominated for Gazprom, Schröder said on Tuesday evening on the online portal “Linkedin”. The Russian energy giant had nominated the former chancellor for the position in early February – shortly before the Russian attack on Ukraine. It was recently announced that Schröder was resigning from the supervisory board of the Russian energy company Rosneft. The company announced last Friday that Schröder would not extend his term of office.

Schröder is heavily criticized in Germany for his work for the Russian energy industry – including posts at the pipeline companies Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2. Four SPD associations have applied for party exclusion proceedings. He has been close friends with Russian President Vladimir Putin since his time as chancellor (1998 to 2005).

Ukrainian foreign minister speaks of “merciless battle”

In the war that began on February 24, Russia is now concentrating primarily on eastern Ukraine. After the fall of the port city of Mariupol a few days ago, Ukraine is now fearing increased Russian offensives there. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter on Tuesday: “The Russian offensive in Donbass is a relentless battle, the largest on European soil since World War II.”

“The coming weeks of war will be difficult,” President Zelenskyy said in a new video address. “However, we have no alternative but to fight. Fight and win.” He again urged the West to use modern anti-missile weapons and fighter jets for defense. Foreign Minister Kuleba stated: “It is too early to conclude that Ukraine already has all the weapons it needs.” In particular, his country needs multiple rocket launchers and long-range artillery.

Moscow: “Continue military operation until all tasks are completed”

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was confident. “Despite the extensive Western aid to the Kiev regime and the sanctions pressure on Russia, we will continue the special military operation until all tasks are completed,” he said, according to the Interfax agency. Russia began attacking the neighboring country on February 24. The war is only called “special military operation” there.

BBC: Russian general killed in plane down

According to Ukrainian sources, Russian troops in the Donbass are still aiming for the complete conquest of the Luhansk region. “The enemy does not stop attacking,” said the Ukrainian general staff. In particular, attempts are being made to encircle the strategically important cities of Sieverodonetsk and Lysychansk. At the same time, Russia’s armed forces at Sievjerodonetsk suffered particularly high losses. Russia’s military reported shooting down a Ukrainian fighter jet near Kramatorsk. The information could not initially be checked.

According to a BBC report, a general of the Russian Air Force was shot down in the Donbass and died. The Major General’s plane was hit by a Stinger missile over the small town of Popasna on Sunday, the British broadcaster reported in its Russian-language service.

Zoff over arms deliveries: Poland accuses Berlin of breaching its word

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda accused the German government of not fulfilling a promise to deliver tanks to his country. The head of state of the NATO partner spoke on the TV station Welt of a commitment from Berlin to deliver tanks to replace tanks handed over to Ukraine by Poland. “They didn’t keep that promise. And frankly, we’re very disappointed.”

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) emphasized contact with Poland on the subject. It is clear “that we cannot deliver heavy material at the push of a button or by snapping our fingers,” she said after a meeting with Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau in Berlin. It is “important that you are in constant communication with each other so that no misunderstandings arise”. Rau said the devil is in the detail on the issue. There is a will to solve the problem.

Poland has provided Ukraine with “a large number of tanks,” Duda said. “By doing so, we have weakened our own military potential (…).” That is why Poland also hoped for support from Germany. A large part of the Polish tank arsenal consists of German tanks of the Leopard type. Poland supports its neighbor Ukraine against the Russian attack with Soviet T-72 tanks.

Stoltenberg optimistic about Turkey’s blockade of NATO expansion

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was optimistic that Turkey’s concerns about Finland and Sweden joining the military alliance would be allayed. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Norwegian said he was confident that a way would be found to solve the problem. Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO last week. Turkey is the only member opposed to it. Delegations from Sweden and Finland are expected to hold talks in Ankara this Wednesday.

Ministry of Economics wants to fire up coal-fired power plants if there is a gas shortage

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck wants to continue to arm Germany for a possible collapse in Russian gas supplies and to expand the number of coal-fired power plants in reserve. If a gas shortage occurs or threatens, the gas consumption in power generation should be significantly reduced, as was heard from the Federal Ministry of Economics on Tuesday. A corresponding draft law is being discussed in the federal government. If he has passed the cabinet, the Bundestag would have to agree./DP/he

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