Tech tip: How to make your smartphone battery last longer

Who does not know the problem: the smartphone is still connected to the power supply overnight, leaving the house in the morning with an almost fully charged battery and on the way home after work it is already tight with the remaining runtime. But there are some simple tips that can help you save battery and get through the day.

Turn down the display brightness

A simple but effective trick is to dim the display, because this sometimes consumes the most power. If you own a cell phone with an OLED display, you should ideally choose a dark background, which also uses less energy.

Avoid mobile internet

The mobile data connection requires significantly more energy for the transmission of data than using a WLAN network. Consumption is even higher, especially in areas where the connection is already poor. It is therefore worth switching to WLAN whenever possible, or simply switching off mobile data if network coverage is poor.

Switch to power saving mode

One of the easiest ways is to switch to the energy-saving mode, which every smartphone has these days. The system usually even offers different modes so that the user can choose to what extent functions should or may be restricted.

Change the synchronization of the e-mail account

Nowadays, almost everyone easily receives and sends their e-mails from their mobile phone while on the go. But the constant synchronization of the e-mail account takes up the battery – especially when using several accounts and when many e-mails are received. Energy can be saved by selecting a longer polling interval of several hours or manual synchronization.

correct charge

In many places the myth persists that you should only charge your smartphone when the battery is almost completely empty. However, what may have been true for the nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries from the early days of mobile phones puts an extreme strain on today’s lithium-ion batteries. For these, charging in a range between 30 and 70 percent is optimal.

Use original charging cable

The network offers a variety of imitation smartphone charging cables, which are often offered at significantly lower prices than the original parts. But consumers should exercise caution here: Some of these components have quality defects or electronic deficits and can cause damage to the smartphone due to current and voltage problems. If you want to save even more energy, you can also download an energy-saving app that monitors power consumption and shows further battery-saving potential.

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Image sources: Farknot Architect /
