Biden tops list of 1,000 Americans who are not allowed to enter Russia, but Trump’s name is missing | War Ukraine and Russia

Joe Biden, Mark Zuckerberg, Morgan Freeman… The Russian Foreign Ministry released a list of 963 Americans banned from entering Russia on Saturday. It involves retaliation for similar sanctions that Washington has hit since the offensive in Ukraine. The name of former US President Donald Trump is not on the list.

Read everything about the war in Ukraine in this file.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made the document public on its website. These are mainly government officials and members of parliament, but also members of civil society.

Moscow had already announced sanctions against many of the personalities on the list, including US President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Also on the list is Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman, who has not been publicly sanctioned until now. The Russians accuse him of recording a video in 2017 in which he claimed that Russia was carrying out a “plot” against the US.

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is not on the list of 963 exiled Americans. In recent years, Trump has often praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and criticized investigations into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Trump was indicted in 2019 for withholding Congressional military aid to Ukraine and for pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, his main opponent in the 2020 presidential election, and to whom Trump would eventually lose. Trump was acquitted after a Senate trial.

Former President Barack Obama and Trump Vice President Mike Pence are also not on the list. Pence’s brother, Representative Greg Pence, does.

Donald Trump. © AFP


“Russian counter-sanctions are necessary and are intended to force the current US power, which is trying to impose a neocolonial ‘world order’ on the rest of the planet (…) to change its position and recognize new geopolitical realities, it sounds.

Moscow remains open to “honest dialogue” and distinguishes the American people from authorities who “incite Russophobia”.

Since the offensive in Ukraine, Russian diplomacy has banned hundreds of Anglo-Saxon personalities from entering Russia.

On Saturday, it announced it had taken this measure against a further 26 Canadians, including Sophie Trudeau, the wife of the Canadian Prime Minister.

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