This bakery is the pioneer of organic whole grain bakers in Berlin

45 years ago, Heinz Weichardt (81) founded the first Demeter bakery in Zehlendorf. In the meantime, 600 wholemeal breads are baked here and in two other branches every day.

“Today people live fast, work fast and bake fast, and something falls by the wayside,” says Weichardt. “Things that are supposed to be good really need time.” Even today, the bakery works according to his philosophy.

The bakery also sells muesli, freshly ground flour and cookies (Photo: Charles Yunck)
The bakery also sells muesli, freshly ground flour and cookies (Photo: Charles Yunck)

Weichardt’s daughter Yvonne Neumann (50) played behind the counter as a child. “I tormented the bakers with my recorder playing,” she says. Today she manages 40 employees, three branches and stands at various weekly markets.

The grinding stone from a rock in the Dolomites contains semi-precious stones and quartz (Photo: Charles Yunck)
The grinding stone from a rock in the Dolomites contains semi-precious stones and quartz (Photo: Charles Yunck)

600 wholemeal breads are baked daily. Their grain comes from the Ökohof Kuhhorst, 80 kilometers away, and is delivered twice a week.

The grain from the Kuhhorst organic farm in Fehrbellin is fed into the mill (Photo: Charles Yunck)
The grain from the Kuhhorst organic farm in Fehrbellin is fed into the mill (Photo: Charles Yunck)

The special feature: “We grind our flour ourselves,” says the boss. The grinding stones in the three mills turn slowly – at 90 revolutions per minute. “They are interspersed with semi-precious stones and quartz and come from a rock in the Dolomites,” says the boss.

In the mill, the natural stone rotates at 90 revolutions per minute (Photo: Charles Yunck)
In the mill, the natural stone rotates at 90 revolutions per minute (Photo: Charles Yunck)

It takes 20 hours for a loaf to go on sale. “Our breads contain nothing but high-quality flour, Berlin tap water energetically treated with gemstones, and sea salt,” she explains.

The ground flour, two tons per week, is sifted into the flour box (Photo: Charles Yunck)
The ground flour, two tons per week, is sifted into the flour box (Photo: Charles Yunck)

And here, too, Senior Heinz Weichardt contributed his special insights: “We have to follow the criteria of nature,” he says. “If today is full moon, we have a different spontaneity in the dough than if it were new moon now.”

also read

► Which of Berlin’s favorite bakeries do you buy your rolls from?

► Berlin’s cutest bakery couple

Yvonne Neumann is proud of her baking skills: “We work with joy. Because we do honest craftsmanship. And you can taste that too.”

The gentle grinding method guarantees the preservation of all healthy ingredients of the whole grain (Photo: Charles Yunck)
The gentle grinding method guarantees the preservation of all healthy ingredients of the whole grain (Photo: Charles Yunck)

BZ is still looking for Berlin’s best bakers

You probably also know a baker who always tastes delicious. The BZ is still looking for Berlin’s best bakers! Join us and tell us your personal favourites.

Here’s how it works: Send us the name of your favorite baker – with a photo if you like.

By e-mail with the keyword “Berlin’s favorite baker” to: [email protected]; by post: BZ, “Berlin’s favorite baker”, Axel-Springer-Str. 65, 10888 Berlin.



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