Appointment director of the Social and Cultural Planning Office | news item

News item | 20-05-2022 | 16:30

Prof. dr. Dr KI (Karen) van Oudenhoven-van der Zee becomes director of the Social and Cultural Planning Office at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The Council of Ministers has approved the nomination on the proposal of Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The appointment is in principle for seven years and will take effect on October 1, 2022.

Karen van Oudenhoven-van der Zee has worked in recent years as vice-rector and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the VU University in Amsterdam. She combined these functions with a chair in Intercultural Competence. She previously held positions as dean at the University of Twente and as director of the Institute for Integration and Social Resilience of the University of Groningen (RUG).

Karen van Oudenhoven-van der Zee studied Psychology at the University of Groningen, specializing in Personality Psychology and Work and Organizational Psychology. She obtained her PhD on research into processing chronic illness and quality of life, also at the University of Groningen.

This appointment was made on the basis of the procedure for the top management group of the General Administrative Service.
